domingo, junho 15, 2014

Miss Virtual World 2015 Auditions

Will YOU become our next MISS VIRTUAL WORLD?


Send your best FULLPERM 1024×1024 portrait to DiamondGem Destiny and Falbala Fairey labeled: MISS VIRTUAL WORLD 2015 (your name)
Please don’t forget the title, the year nor your name, or we may never find the picture. Send the texture only, no folders nor notecards please.
Also, please send the same portrait to the following email:
Don’t forget to include your name. This image should not be bigger than 2048 x 2048 nor smaller than 1024 x 1024. Please submit your portrait without any text unless is the signature of the photographer that did your photo
Join THE BEST OF SL Magazine Readers Group. All MISS VIRTUAL WORLD 2015 announcements will be made in this group. Copy/Paste the link below in local chat, click it and join!
Link: secondlife:///app/group/aeb9e510-3e8d-ae5f-90b1-b491109d7590/about
At the end of the month the judges will select those ladies, from the website, who they would like to see at a live audition. This means your face shot will be your first impression on the judges, so make it fabulous!
If you are called back for a live audition, prepare an outfit that you think will impress the judges. You will be judged on your walk, pose, styling and overall appearance.
If you get enough votes from the judges, you will be announced as an official MISS VIRTUAL WORLD 2015 candidate.
Photoshop is allowed, but please keep photographs realistic so that it reflects how you actually look in Second Life.
The first audition will be held on 19th July. Sa, on July 20th we will announce the first round of the Official MISS VIRTUAL WORLD 2015 Candidates. We will have 3 Auditions in total which will be announced in the Group.
The MISS VIRTUAL WORLD 2015 Pageant Finals will be held on 3 days! Please be aware that all rehearsals and press presentations will be held on Saturdays or Sundays at around this time from July to December. If you cannot commit to this schedule, please don’t audition at all.
Sunday, November 30th 2014 at 10:00 am SLT.
Sunday, December 7th 2014 at 10:00 am SLT.
Sunday, December 14th 2014 at 10:00 am SLT.
You must be a RL female and be able to conduct voice interviews.
If you don´t speak English, you may still audition, but you must provide a translator for yourself during interviews and rehearsals if you become an official finalist.
Please direct any questions to Falbala Fairey.

Let the search begin!

Reign Congrejo
MVW Organization CEO
© A BOSL & CO Press Release June 2014
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